
Create Awareness

Final de la pasarela de Colombiamoda 2021. Diza y Victoria con los indígenas de la comunidad Inga.

The common thread of all our garments is the beadwork that is carefully made by indigenous artisans of the Inga community in Santiago de Putumayo - Colombia.

Through their craft made with beads and loom weaving, they keep their ancestral wisdom alive, transmitting it to the new generations.

We have woven our history since 2014 with the same workshop of artisans. Over the past 9 years, we have worked hand in hand to build a relationship based on trust, mutual passion, respect, and love.


Social Transformation

Las mujeres de la cárcel del Buen Pastor bordando junto a Diza y Victoria


During 2023 we started to support initiatives for the transformation and rehabilitation of women deprived of liberty in the Buen Pastor prison in Bogotá.

Through therapeutic embroidery workshops, we train a group of women to receive a decent income while they embroider and learn to heal through art. (Art therapy)

1 day of embroidery = 2 days of sentence reduction.